Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Tutoring, Job hunting, and researching teaching

Well it's been a while since I blogged, but I recently got the urge to after I saw a video advocating the use of technology and visuals to teach history. As some of you may know, I am a history major and the degree I am working on is called "History Secondary Certification with Social Studies Composite". In simple terms it means I will be certified to teach history, government, economics, and geography once I graduate.

I am currently taking a geography class aimed at future educators and the professor for that class has already started to give us links to various websites that have lesson plans for teaching geography. I actually didn't know lesson plans like that were available until this class (I tis a dork). So I got bored today and started looking up lesson plans to teach history, and I have to say some of the lesson plans are actually pretty neat. I've found some really cool ones and I have made a folder for all of websites I have found. Now all I need to do is start hunting down some books on teaching history, and I will have a decent start for when I start teaching.

Currently, I am focusing on my classes and finding a part-time job. Unfortunately, not a lot of places are hiring here so my job options are limited. I have applied at Hastings and Mr. Gatti's so far, and I am hoping to apply to work as a server at a couple other places. My main focus is on finding a job that I can have over the summer so I have a source of income to pay for the apartment I plan on moving into.

However, I will be starting to work as a history tutor at the ASU tutoring center later this month (HOORAY!), and that is a guaranteed 15 hours or less a week at $10 an hour. So even if I don't find a job off campus, I can save up as much of my money from tutoring as possible and use that to pay for rent over the summer until I find another part-time job. If I work all fifteen hours a week at the tutoring center I can make $450 during a three week month and $600 during a four week month, and pretty much all of that money will go towards having repairs done on my Audi and into my savings. That means I will be able to save up a lot of money this semester, and tutoring is a big plus because it means that if I have to change my hours one week because of an event with Sigma Phi Lambda or something like that, I can.

Unfortunately, my job hunt and increased class load has a negative side-effect. I most likely will not be able to work on Around the World and Across Time much this semester (if at all). I am really wanting to work more towards my future teaching career than my web-show, but I am going to try to work on AWAT some on the weekends (just not this weekend I have two volunteer jobs this weekend). I am not going to make any promises on when the next episode is going to be out because even I don't really know when it is gonna be out.

*Sorry if this blog post doesn't make much sense, I am really sleepy right now.