Monday, July 11, 2011

The full list of negative teaching traits I will be talking about

Well I am way behind in my negative teaching blog series, and since I am so behind I decided to post the list of teaching traits/styles I will be talking about in a negative manner.

1. Lack of enthusiasm (complete)
2. Teaching strictly by the book
3. Talking down to students
4. Using only one teaching style and never changing it
5. Not telling/teaching a student how to improve
6. Not taking advice from other teachers
7. Ignoring a student's needs (especially if the student has a learning disorder)
8. Insisting on perfection or having unrealistic expectations
9. Over/under punishing students

I am hoping to get back to work on this blog series ASAP.

1 comment:

  1. As a teacher (jr high/high school) I'm looking forward to read your series. I've seen and experienced almost all of your themes and some more and I'm happy you're talking about this.

    I've found that when a teacher gives the student the respect as a human being and it's well prepared to teach the subject, the students trive better than people breathing down your necks.

    Looking forward the series and good luck!
