Wednesday, March 9, 2011 and knee pains

Well if you are one of my facebook friends you may have seen my post last week about me starting to research my family on Let's just say in the span of a few days I have managed to find so much information about my family that it still shocks me. Below are some things I learned about both sides of my family.

Dad's side
1. A lot of my male ancestors on this side fought in the civil war
2. I am descended from Pope Clement VI's brother (who Clement VI made a pope)
3. I am descended from a french aristocratic family
4. Some of my ancestors were original settlers at Plymouth
5. A lot of my ancestors on this side were either Irish, German, French, or British

Mom's side
1. A lot of the men on this side faked their age to serve in the military (including my grandfather)
2. The majority of my ancestors on this side came from Ireland and Britain
3. One of my ancestors on this side was a Tennessee militia man and a colonial soldier
4. A lot of my male ancestors have the exact same name, and this makes discussing them or finding info on just one of them very hard
5. It is hard to find info on my Great-grandfather's side of the family

On a less fun note, for the past few weeks my knee has been hurting so bad it seems like that crazy lady from Stephen King's Misery has gone after my knee (I forgot her name at the moment). Turns out that I have cartilage wearing on my right knee so bad that if I was older the doctor would recommend that I have surgery. He said I also had some in my left knee. I am supposed to go see him for a MRI later this month, but because next week is spring break I will be taking advantage of my week off and using next week to stretch and relax my knee as much as possible to help it heal. The doctor I went to works at WTMA, and he was really nice. He told me to take two Aleve every morning and another two every evening (I need to get some tomorrow at HEB), a couple exercises that will help strengthen my knee and hopefully lessen the pain, and he gave me a couple tips about how to change my daily habits to lessen the pain.

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