Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Spring Break

Well as planned I haven't had a really eventful spring break, I mostly have spent it hanging around the house with my boyfriend watching TV and stuff like that. My knee is feeling a little better, but it still hurts quite a bit. I have to go with my boyfriend tomorrow on a six hour drive to pick my siblings up from my dad's, but I plan to be riding in the back seat the whole drive with my knee propped up and iced properly. I am actually glad that I have gotten a good bit of homework done this week. All that is left is to read some short stories for my English class and to read a couple books for my comparative history class.

A couple things I learned this week

- My boyfriend is a sweetie, since I can't bend my knee properly to shave my legs myself he helped me shave them (while I was wearing a pair of shorts)

- My family can't just let an abandoned dog be alone. We rescued a little black scottie this week that I have dubbed Toto.

- I get headaches easily for some reason, especially when my knee is hurting.

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